Dust bags are a bit harder to distinguish since they have changed several times over the years. Inspect the dust bagsĪs with the boxes, Gucci dust bags also come in black and white or brown. The box should feel strong and not flimsy. The ‘GG’ emblem is embossed in a chain-like pattern all over the box. Most fake boxes use a tightly-spaced logo or print it too big – the original one will always look sophisticated.
The brown box should have the ‘Gucci’ logo printed on the center of the cover. James Corden on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills shopping at the Gucci store on October 12, 2018 The white part should be stark and should feel slightly corrugated. The cover will have a black frame around the white part which makes the packaging look more seamless.Ī delicate ‘Gucci’ logo is typically placed on the bottom area.
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Make sure you know how to tell real Gucci shoes from fakesįor the former, the entire box should be in black apart from the cover. To this day, there are only two known box designs used by the brand: the black and white version, and the iconic brown one. Know your Gucci boxes inside outĭespite passing through the hands of one talented designer after another, the iconic Gucci boxes did not change much over the years. Also, make sure you check out our guide showing how to identify scam websites and how to tell if a belt is authentic. The only way to be 100% sure you won’t end up with a pair of knockoffs is to buy your flats, slides, or sneakers from an authorized Gucci retailer like Farfetch, Neiman Marcus, or Nordstrom.įollow these 11 simple steps to ensure that you don’t end up with a pair of fake slides or sneakers. How can you tell if the Gucci shoes that you are about to buy online are authentic? Some of the most widely imitated shoes on the market, CNBC reported in November 2019 that even products sold on luxury consignment store The RealReal are counterfeits.